Monday, April 28, 2008

Google's fax machine ran out of paper

Today I have tried to fax my GSoC related documents to Google. I dialed the correct number, the line was rang again and again, but no response. After tried many times, finally I given up. Then I saw some words posted by LH in GSoC-student mail list:

Fax machine might be out of paper. We'll check it tomorrow. (Yes, in about 15 hours.)

It's noon for me when I trying to fax, but it should be midnight in Mountain View, I think. So I should wait for them to wake up. :(

Starting the work

Today I have started to work on my SWIG's Python 3.0 support project. Since some work already done when preparing the proposal, I'd like to write a summarization here.

The works have been done:
  • Getting familiar with SWIG's code base.
  • Getting familiar with GNU automake, which SWIG used as build system.
  • Modified the typemap, .swg, and etc code, so my SWIG can generate "Hello, world" level Python 3 wrapper now.
  • A detailed time table has been written.
  • Added checking for Python 3 configuration in (done today)
And the problems encountered right now:
  • How to get rid of unbound method removal in Python 3? A mail posted to python-3000 mail list, waiting for replay.
  • How to write makefile script so when we type "make check-python3-test-suite", it can run 2to3 automatically to convert * codes to Python 3, then do the test.
  • And I think I need a svn branch now.
Ok, too late and I'm feeling sleepy. I'll off to bed now. Good dream.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hello, World!

This is my first English blog post! What a exciting, I've started to write blog again.

Yeah, I've written some blog, some years ago, and in Chinese. The old blog haven't been continued when I entered university, because lack of Internet connection, and laziness may be another reason :p

One of the motivities to start this blog is for the Google Summer of Code 2008, thanks to generous Google, my project for SWIG has been accepted! It would be a great summer!

However, since written in English, I hope this blog can help to rescue my poor English. :P Also, this would be a place for my lovely girlfriend and me, to share our remember.
